On breastfeeding vs. bottlefeeding

Hi there!

For my first post I decided to write about breastfeeding and bottle-feeding because it is something that we are going through now and I personally found it quite difficult.

So Jamie has been exclusively breastfed for 3 and a half months which was going great until a month ago when he started teething …the vicious circle of sore gums preventing him from eating enough, and by not eating enough sleeping for half an hour at a time… including the night!

To say the least it was hell! no one in the house slept for weeks until I have decided that it is more important to keep all of our sanity and find a solution.. I did a lot of research and decided to give Jamie a bottle as the last feed for the night. Bottle does not irritate his gums as much because the flow is faster and he does not need to pull as hard, which meant that he would eat more than usual for that feed. It was the first night when he slept for more than 2 hours straight (4 to be exact!!)

Don’t get me wrong, it broke my heart to give him a bottle, I always thought that i will exclusively breast feed until he is at least 6 months( preferably 9-12 months), but it is the only thing which saved me from probably having a breakdown.

A lot of you probably would have said that I should pump and give it in a bottle, but believe it or not I did not have energy and no time to pump, my poor nipples were so sore because sometimes he would suck so hard (because he was so hungry) i could not even touch them.

But after a few days of giving him a bottle for the night we decided to give him a bottle as every other feed, this way I had time to pump and it was much easier as well because I could pump more at a time (instead of 50ml in 40 minutes I pump 150-200ml in 20 minutes), this way both breastmilk and formula was always from a bottle. Jamie became less irritated in general, started sleeping a lot better and it is easier to go out, because I do not have to constantly stop and feed him (with his gums being sore he tossed, turned and cried while feeding. It was especially difficult in public because everyone would stare while Jamie would try to rip off the muslin that I would cover up with)

In my personal opinion breastfeeding is the best food for your little one until it starts to disturb your and your baby’s wellbeing (sanity), but even then do not give up and try to find the best compromise..

What I found extremely helpful was Tommee Tippee Closer to Nature Perfect Prep this “coffee-like bottle prep machine” is fantastic because it gives you a perfect water temperature at the right amount in 2 minutes, which is great because you do not need to wait for the water to cool while your baby is screaming on top of his lungs for food (also Jamie loves to watch me make his bottle with this machine, because of the noises it makes)

Another great tip is using Aptamil First Milk, Ready to Feed 200ml or 1L. It is already mixed ready-to-feed bottle that you just need to pour in your sterilased bottle and warm up if needed.It does not keep for long after being opened but it is great when you are out and about because it can be ready in under 10 seconds. Saves you from bringing the powder and asking for boiled water then waiting for it to cool…

And to all those moms of teething babies: One of those days it will get easier and feel like a vacation in comparison!

Lia x